How to Be Okay No Matter What Happens

Life is a rollercoaster.

When things are going well, I wish they could last forever. There’s a simple joy in those moments, a lightness in my heart that makes everything seem possible.

But then, a shadow of worry creeps in.

"What if this happiness doesn't last?"

"Something bad is bound to happen soon."

I try to push these thoughts away, but they persist. "Don't get too comfortable," the voice warns.

These thoughts can create a sense of fear and anxiety.

Instead of fully savoring the moment, I find myself bracing for the storm ahead. And when those tough times do arrive, it’s a struggle to find joy amidst the chaos and challenges.

So how do we maintain our inner peace, even as we experience the ups and downs of life?

This question brings me to this Sufi Comic:

Art by Charbak Dipta

Here’s a verse in the Qur’an that reveals the key to living a balanced life:

"So that you may not grieve for what escapes you, nor rejoice in what has come to you." [Quran 57:23].

At first glance, this advice might seem counterintuitive.

Why shouldn't we celebrate when good things happen or feel sad when we face setbacks?

But upon deeper reflection, we can see that this verse is not telling us to suppress our emotions. Rather, it's guiding us towards a higher perspective.

Our ultimate purpose is to reflect the divine qualities of God, such as compassion, strength, and wisdom. Every situation, whether joyful or challenging, is an opportunity to manifest these attributes.

  • In times of ease, we can express gratitude and reflect qualities of generosity.

  • In times of hardship, we can seek strength and wisdom through prayer and remembrance of God. By striving to be patient and steadfast, we can find growth even in our struggles.

By continually reorienting ourselves towards our higher purpose, we can face life's ups and downs with greater balance.

This doesn't mean we won't feel the joys and sorrows of the human experience. But it does mean we can approach each moment as an invitation to deepen our connection with God and actualize our best selves.

As we strive to live this way, we may find that our relationship to life's fluctuations begins to shift.

We worry less about what we can't control and focus more on what we can give. We learn to find peace and purpose in the present moment, knowing that every experience is a chance to grow closer to God.

I invite you to reflect:

  • How can you apply this verse in your own life?

  • What divine qualities can you embody in your current circumstances?

  • How can you use both joys and challenges as opportunities to grow and serve?

Every situation, whether good or bad, is a chance to grow and become better.

Embrace it all.


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