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How to Make Wise Decisions?

In our fast-paced world, we're constantly faced with decisions to make.

From family matters to career moves, health concerns to future plans, the pressure to make the right choice can feel overwhelming.

We think that more information leads to better decisions. So we Google for answers, consult experts, and poll friends and family. While this approach can work, it often leaves us more confused than ever.

Why? Because more information doesn't always mean more clarity. Sometimes, it just means more noise.

But what if there’s another way? A simpler, more grounded way to make decisions—one that doesn’t rely on endless research or outside opinions?

This Sufi Comic that explores a different way of knowing:

Art by Charbak Dipta

"Truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are in their chests." (Quran 22:46)

Have you ever noticed how animals know exactly what to eat to heal themselves? They don't consult Google, ChatGPT or visit the vet. Instead, they tap into an innate intelligence that guides them to exactly what they need.

As humans, we have this same intuitive ability—we’ve just forgotten how to use it.

The Heart: Center of Knowing

The heart is more than just a physical organ pumping blood. We also possess a spiritual heart that serves as a center of knowing. Unlike the mind, which processes information through reasoning and analysis, our spiritual heart understands through feelings, intuition, and remembrance.

While the brain processes information through logic and language, the heart communicates through feelings and intuitions.

Think about it:

  • Have you ever had a "gut feeling" about a situation?

  • Or felt inexplicably drawn to (or repelled by) a particular choice?

That's your heart speaking to you.

Rediscovering Heart Wisdom

So how can we tap into this heart wisdom in our modern lives?

  • Tune In to Your Feelings: The next time you're faced with a decision, pause and notice how each option makes you feel. Does one choice bring a sense of lightness or excitement? Does another feel heavy or constricting?

  • Ask Yourself: Is this decision coming from a place of scarcity or abundance? Scarcity-based choices often feel tight and anxious. Choices aligned with your highest good typically feel expansive and peaceful.

  • Create Space for Silence: Our hearts speak in whispers, not shouts. Make time for quiet reflection—whether through meditation, journaling, or a simple walk in nature.

  • Practice Discernment: Not every feeling is a message from your heart. Learn to distinguish between fleeting emotions and deeper intuitions.

This isn't about ignoring logic or practical considerations. It's about integrating your heart's wisdom with your reasoning mind to make more holistic decisions.

The next time you're feeling overwhelmed by choices, take a moment to pause. Turn inward. Listen to the wise counsel of your own heart. You might be surprised by the clarity and guidance you find there.