40 Sufi Comics in the Media
In the last few month, the 40 Sufi Comics book was reviewed in the Media (Newspapers & Blogs). Thank you to all of you who took out the time! If any of you would like to write a review of the book on your Website or Print Media, get in touch with us with your address and we'll ship you a free copy of the book anywhere in the World.
IBN-TV, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania did a talkshow on Sufi Comics
Print Media
Marathi Newspaper MumbaiHindustan Times - Mumbai
DNA - Mumbai
Mid-day - Mumbaihttp://www.mid-day.com/lifestyle/2011/oct/181011-Mumbai-guide-Life-in-a-comic-book.htm The Hindu (Using Comics to explain Islam)
The Indian Express (Breaking the ice through comics)
Islamic Voice (Sufi Wisdom served with great elan)
Deccan Chronicle (Dervish duo's comic relief)
Hindustan Times (Sufi stories in comic format)
Online Media
"Comics and graphic novels have come a long way. Once seen in India as a clever ploy to make children read history and mythology, it is now viewed as one of the coolest literary forms there is, with a steady following amongst the old and the young. Taking the form a step ahead, Bangalore based brothers Mohammed Ali Vakil and Mohammed Arif Vakil have complied 40 comic strips, titled 40 Sufi Comics, in the form of a book that visually depicts the teachings of Islam." Sufi Comics trying to help people understand Islam by Shweta Sharma"Graphic novels have a cult-like following from the very young, to the academically wise. Who knew they could teach you spiritual, or Islamic life lessons?" Muslimness.com: Behind 40 Sufi Comics - India's Muslim Blogging Brothers by Zaufishan Iqbal"The art was beautiful, so the teachings. Each story taught a moral value, and had verses from the Qur'an and traditions with special notes from the artist. 40 Sufi Comics is actually a collection of illustrated eternal truths of life." - Comic Addicts: Sufi Comics by Nishkarsh Chugh"One of the great beauties of this work is its suitability for all audiences and ages. An 8-year-old child, a 55-year-old adult, or an open-minded non-Muslim – indeed almost anyone – will enjoy and benefit from this material." - Islamic Insights: Sufi Comics Book Review by Diana Beatty"The subjects that they have chosen include Love, Knowledge, Ethics, Spirituality, Mother, Prayer, God et al. Alongside, there are translations of relevant verses from the Quran and quotes from the Prophet and other teachers." - Citizen News: Philosophy can be fun by Pushpa Achanta"A short comic is a preferable medium these days for many to read and assimilate new subjects. One can go back to it as often as one wants because they are not boring, They convey esoteric philosophy in simple language and cartoons without compromising on content or quality." - ChummaChumma: 40 Sufi Comics by Gopal S.