Why Rituals Matter (And How They Change Us)
Every spiritual tradition has its sacred rituals, passed down through generations.
These aren't mere customs or empty ceremonies—they're carefully designed systems that transform how we think, feel, and connect with the Divine.
But here's the problem: In our efficiency-obsessed world, rituals look like outdated routines. "Why not just skip the ritual and get to the point?" people ask.
But this efficiency-first mindset overlooks how deeply humans need structured pathways for spiritual growth.
To understand the power of rituals, think of them as vessels, with your consciousness as the water they hold. Like a vessel without water, rituals without presence remain empty.
Consider fasting, practiced by many traditions. On the surface, it's simple: Don't eat or drink for a specified time.
But without conscious engagement, the practice loses its spiritual essence. This is why the Prophet Muhammad (‘s) said: "Many a person gets nothing from his fast except hunger and thirst."
This Sufi Comic is about the deeper aspect of fasting:
Art by Charbak Dipta
The Quran also reveals the deeper purpose of fasting:
"Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain taqwa (God-consciousness)" (2:183).
Why Rituals Work
The key to understanding rituals lies in a basic fact about human nature: We're not just spirits, we’re embodied beings.
While we might aspire to develop virtues like patience, we need concrete situations to practice them. This is where rituals reveal their power.
Take Ramadan fasting as an example. It's not just your stomach that fasts:
Your tongue fasts from harmful speech
Your hands fast from hurtful actions
Your ears fast from negative talk
Your eyes fast from what diminishes your spirit
Each aspect builds specific spiritual qualities:
Patience grows through managing hunger
Empathy develops by experiencing what the hungry feel
Self-control strengthens through daily discipline
Gratitude deepens when regular comforts are paused
Presence increases through constant awareness
This is the benefit of authentic rituals – they provide concrete means for limited beings to participate in unlimited reality.
Through precise actions in time, we touch the timeless. Through physical discipline, we nurture spiritual growth.
Rituals aren't barriers between us and the divine – they're bridges.
When approached with sincerity and understanding, they transform from empty motions into a means for spiritual growth.