Sufi Comics - Comics for the Soul - Read Spiritual Islamic Comics

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👀 Lower your gaze and you'll see wonders

As a parent, I worry about the amount of exposure available to my children.

In my parent's generation, it was less.

Me growing up it was more.

My kids growing up, it seems almost unavoidable.

I don't have answers. I think it'll depend from place to place, culture to culture, family to family, individual to individual.
However, there's something about this quote that gives guidance:

The eyes are yearning for beauty, but when the eyes feast, it leads to a hollow feeling. It's like we were looking for something but in the wrong place.

There lies a beauty beyond the eyes, which is so encompassing. In accessing it, it elevates the soul.

I pray for my children and the coming generation to make the right choices to experience not just beauty, but the source of beauty.